eyes peeled
packaging design | adobe illustrator | 2024
A blackberry gin inspired by beach-combing and desert star-gazing across Southern California

Growing up, my family and I spent each weekend alternating between the beach and the desert. Seeking to pay homage to both of these locations in the bottle design, I gathered inspiration from imagery that I thought could unite these disparate environments.

Although seemingly opposite in nature, at both locations I spent the time searching for things, either shooting stars in the desert sky or shells on the shore of the beach. I developed the name Eyes Peeled to mesh these experiences together. Through sketching, I played with different ways to visually represent this idea, eventually landing on a starburst shape for the label design.

I created this colored pencil illustration for the bottle design that merged these two worlds. It was inspired by the sensation of looking up into the night sky and seeing a shooting star, as well as the iridescence of a sea shell and the glimmer of the ocean.
bottle design

For the front of the label I created a starburst shaped cutout that allows you to peer into the inside of the bottle to find the name of the product. This makes users mimic the experience of searching for and finding something.

On the back of the label, I created a map of Southern California marked with all of my favorite stargazing and shell-collecting spots that inspired the bottle.